Returning to Work After a Baby

Photo: Burroughs Knight Photography

Photo: Burroughs Knight Photography

Could 12 weeks go by any faster? My goodness time flies especially with a newborn. I was fortunate to be able to spend 12 weeks bonding with my daughter and trying to get the hang of motherhood without risk of losing my job. Not everyone has this same opportunity so I can’t complain however I’m a bit anxious about returning to work. 

How do I balance all these responsibilities? How am I going to function with less sleep? What is the expectation when I return to work? How do I pump consistently while working? 

Here’s how i approached returning to work after having a baby…

Ease Back Slowly

if you employer allows you to work part time or remotely, take advantage. I worked remotely for 2 weeks before going back to the office which allowed me to go through emails, get up to speed, re-familiarize myself with reports and processes, and get used to pumping throughout the day. 

Avoid a Monday return date

Mondays are pretty hectic for me, particularly the mornings. Do yourself a favor and avoid returning on the most demanding day of the week.

Set boundaries

Now that I have a little human depending on me, it’s important, now more than ever, to set healthy boundaries between my work life and home life. I do not have time to log back in to work after bath time and putting the baby to sleep, nor should I be sacrificing my precious sleeping time to answer emails or check reports.

Photo: Burroughs Knight Photography

Photo: Burroughs Knight Photography


if you’re like me, there are always 100 things to do and only time to do 10. Prioritization is key so that I can complete the few most important tasks. I also have to manage my time appropriately, by focusing mroe energy on completing tasks rather than perfecting them. Remember done is better than perfect.

Don’t start daycare and work on the same day

Fortunately, my daughter was able to start daycare a week before I started working from home. That week was a great break for me. I was able to clean the house and spend a little time doing self-care. Baby girl’s first day in daycare was easier for me than expected since I was ready for a break but it was still a little emotional. I can’t imagine handling the emotional toll of separation from your child while trying to get back in the swing of work. If you can, give yourself a break. 

Never forget you are a freakin’ superhero!

You have created a life inside your body most likely while working a full time job. You then gave birth to a whole human and all while your body healed, you’ve cared for, nursed, and nurtured a newborn with very little sleep. You are capable of so much more than you think and if no one else tells you, let me be the first to tell you how amazing you are. 

Photo: Kendra Knight Photography

Photo: Kendra Knight Photography