Managing...From a Distance

Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

Social distancing, self-isolation, and stay-at-home orders have changed the landscape of the work environment. In a matter of weeks we’ve gone from shaking hands and face-to-face meetings to six feet of personal space and virtual interaction. Many companies are not used to having a remote work force and therefore may find it challenging to manage teams virtually. My employer shared some great information on managing remote associates and I thought it would be helpful to share.

Be Available

  • Continue having one-on-one touch bases with each member of you team each week virtually

  • Replace drive-by updates with chats, instant messages, and daily check-ins calls.

Create Community

  • Schedule regular team meetings and chats to catch-up as a team

  • Use video calls where possible to create the feeling of togetherness

  • One cool thing many teams are doing is hosting virtual happy hours where everyone puts work away, dials in to a video call and has a drink of choice.


  • Give frequent updates on projects, leadership, and business performance so your team feels informed

Set Expectations

  • Set clear work expectations, goals, and deadlines as well as the format for delivering projects

  • Provide opportunities for regular updates

Be Empathetic

  • Encourage your team to focus on their mental health. Recommend they take breaks when necessary