Vox: "Women are burned out..."

Photo: Mother & Baby

Photo: Mother & Baby

The global pandemic has hit everyone hard but unsurprisingly, it’s women (in particular mothers) that have been the hardest hit in comparison to men. Vox news wrote an article in May detailing the stress women are experiencing. “Women are carrying a heavier load in keeping their households running, and they’re also experiencing higher levels of stress and burnout.”

Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In, conducted a study to examine “how women working from home are fairing during the Covid-19 pandemic compared with men”

Her findings…

  • Women with full-time jobs, a partner, and children report spending a combined 71 hours a week on child care, elder care, and household chores — compared with 51 hours for men.

  • A quarter of women are experiencing physical symptoms of severe anxiety, compared with just 11 percent of men.

  • Women of color are facing an especially tough situation: 75 percent of Black and Latina women spend a combined 21-plus hours per week on housework, compared with just over half of white women; they also spend more time on child care and elder care than their white counterparts.

Click here to read the full article