The Goal Getter's Guide to Vision Boards
Okay, so you’ve hit up the craft store for poster board, glue sticks, and markers. You’ve collected every magazine around the house and borrowed some from friends. Your scissors are sharp and ready to go. I must admit that I look forward to making a vision board every year or so since it forces me to think about what I hope to accomplish in the next year. Vision boards are not just pretty collages, they also serve as a motivational reminder of the goals you’ve set and hope to achieve. As you plan your vision board and attend your wine-filled vision board parties (which who doesn’t love??), check out these few tips to to optimize your vision board.
My 2019 vision board.
Goal-Getter Vision Boards…
Spend time reflecting on your goals
Before you glue anything to your poster board, give some thought to your goals for the year. Need help? Check out my post here on goal planning and my “Goal-Getter Workbook”.
Set your time-frame
We often only think about our goals for the year ahead, but there are no rules that say you can’t make a vision board for your 6 month goals or even 10 year goals. This year my vision board will reflect my goals for the next 3-5 years.
No Limits
“You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling!” You goals can be grand and over the top. There are no limits so it you want it and are willing to work at it, glue it!.
4. Consider your feelings
As you cut our pictures and words that represent your goals, consider including images and verbiage that reflect the impact you want your goals to have on you emotionally and mentally. For example, if your goal is to meditate daily, include some imagery about how meditation will make you feel (relaxed, centered, focused, etc).
5. In plain sight
Okay this one isn’t new but it is important. When you’ve finished your vision board, put it somewhere you can see it everyday. It doesn’t have to be framed on your mantle but you can place the board in practical places in your home that your frequent each day, i.e. bathroom, closet, office, night stand. Also consider taking a picture of your board and keeping it on your phone or making it your phone wall paper.
I’d love to hear some of your tips for creating vision boards so please share below.
Happy Crafting!!