Interview Prep Series: Tip 1

Tip 1: Do your research

Statistics have shown that nearly half of interviewers do not offer jobs to candidates that do not have company knowledge. With the accessibility of information online these days, there is no excuse to not familiarize yourself with the company you want to work for.

Researching a company is a necessary step in preparing for a job interview. Not only do you want to impress the interviewer with your knowledge of their organization, you want to make sure that the company is a place where you want to work. One great source of information is the company's annual report. If the company you applied for is publicly traded, you can typically find an annual report in the "investors" section of their website. Other great sources include the company's website, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Google. There's no such thing as having too much information

Check out page 8 of the “The Interview”: The Ultimate Job Interview Prep Workbook to try this exercise.