Get Your Mind Right!

Congrats on making it to 2021!! Last year pushed our limits and forced us out of comfort and contentment. One of the only things to help me get through it all was shifting my mindset. I posted this on Instagram to close out 2020 but the message is still relevant for 2021.

I’ve alway been a silver lining kind of girl. Even in the most difficult of situations, I manage to find a bright side. But 2020, was a struggle at times to see any positive. I was furloughed in April, laid off in July, and had to file for unemployment. I applied to numerous jobs, interviewed so many times it was hard to keep track, and began to question myself more and more with every rejection. Yet and still, I would not allow myself to fester in the negativity.

One thing I learned a few years ago is that you may not always have the power to change your circumstance, but you can always change your mindset. Perspective is everything! As you reflect on 2020, was it truly 100% bad every single day, or can you recall moments of joy, milestones celebrated, and lessons learned? You can choose to allow the few bad days, weeks, or months to color your perspective or you can choose to focus on the good. For example, if you are reading this blog post, you are alive, have function of your mind, and a cellphone or internet access. That’s more than many.

As we embark on a new year, it’s important that you get your mind right as the title of this post says. Where do you start? A daily gratitude journal or weekly gratitude jar is a great way to practice shifting your mindset. The exercise is all about seeing the good even in difficultly and making this a daily habit will undoubtedly lift your mood. It’s also a nice to reflect at the end of the year on all the things you were grateful for or accomplished. Give it a try and let me know if it helps.
