Black Girl Magic: Office Edition

I love it when a plan comes together!!

When we purchased our home over a year ago, I did not intend to have a workspace of my own. I typically work out of the home and my blog only requires a laptop and internet access so I never saw the necessity. Then Covid hit and spending countless days in the house made me crave a creative space to call my own. So last fall I began envisioning my workspace and starting to pull it all together. My theme? Black Girl Magic! I never knew how much I joy I’d get out of this project but walking into this room still puts a smile on my face. I must admit, the black paint and choosing to paint half of a wall took some convincing to get my husband on board with the vision but I’m so glad I stuck to guns.

I can’t narrow down what my favorite part of the room is but the gallery wall is definitely at the top of the list. This was truly a labor of love. In the almost year that I’ve been confined to my home, Michaels Arts and Crafts store was the only store I’ve stepped foot in and it was worth it for these frames. I’m not sure what took longer, narrowing down the prints I wanted or measuring out the frames and making sure the nails were in the proper place. When I chose the prints, it was important to me that each spark joy, so I went with a couple quotes from my favorite television show “The Office”. I also included prints that were empowering and fit the Black Girl Magic theme.

A close second favorite would be my sit stand desk. For weeks, I agonized over what desk to buy. My husband recommended a sit-stand desk and at first I was against the idea because it didn’t fit my aesthetic but once I saw this my mind was changed. It’s electronic and can be set to specific heights. It also locks in place which is great when you have a little explorer running around. It has USB ports on the side which is super convenient and the best part is that the top is glass so it doubles as a dry-erase surface. How cool?!

I think I’ve made it clear that I love my workspace :) Check out the links below if you’re interested in adding any of these to your workspace. If you do…I’d love to know!

Links to Office Decor:


Paint Color: Glidden “Black Magic” (how perfect right?)

Gold Desk Terrarium

Wall Decor

Finishing Touches (not pictured):